Every serious endeavor should begin with a strategy - that is, with a plan or set of moves aimed at getting closer to a goal. Strategy is critical in war, in business management, and, yes, in investing. The investor who lacks a strategy reacts with unplanned attention to every unexpected event. This lack of strategy necessarily causes distractions that before long make a goal difficult to achieve.
This is the first of several Zhihu Live talks on basic investment strategies that are effective whether you are investing China, the US or other stock markets, and whether you are just starting as an investor or have some experience investing in stocks.
从本次 Live 起,我将用人人都能听懂的方法,带大家了解一系列的基础投资策略。不管你是投 A 股、美股、还是其他国家的股票,也无论你是已有经验,还是投资小白, 这些策略都将行之有效。
注:投资是个挺严肃的话题,但主讲人经验丰富、幽默风趣,希望带给大家有趣的 live 体验!
The Importance of Strategy 策略的重要性
The Requirements of Strategy 良好的策略需要什么
Investment Strategy and Investment Policy 投资策略与投资政策
Buy-and-Hold: The Benchmark Strategy 买入与卖出:简单易懂的基准策略
Timing Strategies: (买卖的)时间选择策略:
Dollar Cost Averaging 定期定额策略
Value Averaging 价值平均策略
Question and answer 自由问答
请各位注意, live 旨在介绍投资策略和思想,不进行任何个人投资建议!
live 的讲解时间为 30-40 分钟,然后是自由问答。主讲人一定全力解答。我是主讲人的朋友@季末清歌。如果您用中文提问,我会尽自己有限的水平译成英文。如果有英文好的知友偶尔帮忙翻译一下,在下就感激不尽啦~